#flockhealth – Vprint Infotech https://www.vprintinfotech.com Magazine Tue, 28 May 2024 11:18:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.vprintinfotech.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/logo-feb-150x150.jpg #flockhealth – Vprint Infotech https://www.vprintinfotech.com 32 32 Optimizing Poultry Health and Productivity Through Integrated Health Management Programs https://www.vprintinfotech.com/optimizing-poultry-health-and-productivity-through-integrated-health-management-programs/ https://www.vprintinfotech.com/optimizing-poultry-health-and-productivity-through-integrated-health-management-programs/#respond Tue, 28 May 2024 11:18:32 +0000 https://www.vprintinfotech.com/?p=6227 Optimizing Poultry Health and Productivity Through Integrated Health Management Programs

Dr. Sekhar Basak
CMD, Innovista Group

At Innovista, we understand the paramount importance of maintaining optimal flock health and maximizing productivity in the poultry industry. To achieve this, we have developed a comprehensive approach known as integrated health management programs, which combine cutting-edge technologies, precision nutrition, and strategic disease management practices.

The cornerstone of an effective integrated health program is the synergistic combination of vaccinations and anticoccidial interventions. By employing these two elements harmoniously, we can provide comprehensive protection against the threat of coccidiosis, a parasitic disease that can severely impact bird health and performance.

Vaccinations play a pivotal role in stimulating the flock’s immune response, preparing the birds to mount an effective defense against coccidial infections. Simultaneously, the judicious use of anticoccidial products, such as ionophores or synthetic chemicals, helps to minimize the severity of coccidiosis outbreaks and mitigate the associated economic losses.

At Innovista, we recognize the invaluable expertise of veterinary professionals in implementing successful integrated health programs. Their in-depth knowledge and
experience allow them to design tailored vaccination protocols, guide the prudent use of anticoccidials, and continuously monitor flock health through regular observations and data analysis.

Effective integrated health programs rely on a data-driven approach, leveraging monitoring systems and analysis tools to gather insights into flock performance, environmental conditions, and potential health challenges. This enables proactive adjustments and optimizations to the program based on real-time information.

We believe that the journey to optimal flock health begins at the hatchery. By administering coccidial vaccines early in the birds’ lives, we can stimulate their immune
systems and establish a robust foundation for future disease resistance. This controlled exposure to coccidia facilitates the development of robust immunity, reducing the risk of disease outbreaks and economic losses down the line.

Building upon this foundation, we integrate in-feed anticoccidials into our integrated health programs, providing continuous protection against coccidiosis throughout the
production cycle. Our careful selection of ionophores or synthetic chemicals ensures effective control of coccidial infections while minimizing the impact on beneficial gut bacteria and promoting overall intestinal health.

At Innovista, we firmly believe that collaboration between our team of experts and poultry producers is the key to success. By combining our extensive knowledge, data-driven insights, and a commitment to best practices, we can tailor integrated health programs that optimize flock health, enhance productivity, and drive sustainable growth in the poultry industry.

Contact us at info@innovistaconsulting.com or +91 9871203111.


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