Pioneering Women in the Poultry Industry

Pioneering Women in the Poultry Industry

In this issue of Poultry Creations magazine, we extend a warm welcome to Ms. Reena Rani L C, MSc, Senior Marketing Communication Specialist at NOVUS, under the compelling theme of “Pioneering Women in the Poultry Industry.”

Ms. Reena Rani L C, MSc, comes from an agricultural family, grounding her career deeply in tradition and innovation. Her journey is distinguished by strategic planning, cross-cultural communication, and precise data analysis. Fluent in Kannada, English and Hindi, she adeptly navigates diverse cultural terrains. Join us as Ms. Reena Rani shares her invaluable insights, providing a unique perspective on the evolving dynamics of poultry marketing. This exclusive interview promises insights into her experiences, challenges, and achievements within the poultry industry.

One piece of advice I would offer to other young women is to embrace your unique strengths and talents, and never underestimate the value of your voice and perspective.
…Reena Rani


Poultry Creations: What is your personal journey and how have your experiences shaped your path to your current position?

Reena: I was fortunate to be born and brought up in an agricultural family deeply rooted in values of hard work, integrity, and community. This upbringing instilled in me a profound appreciation for the land and its people, igniting a passion for making a meaningful impact in the agriculture industry. My journey has been guided by this passion, leading me to pursue a career where I can leverage my skills and insights to drive positive change. With each experience, I’ve learned the importance of delivering my best in everything I do, and it’s this commitment to excellence that has shaped my path to my current position as a Senior Marketing Communication Specialist at NOVUS.

Poultry Creations: What inspired you to transition from a background in industrial chemistry to a career in marketing, particularly within the poultry & livestock Industry?

Reena: My innate desire is to meet people, explore the world, collaborate, and exercise both strategic and creative thinking. While my background in industrial chemistry provided me with valuable scientific knowledge, I felt a strong pull towards roles that allowed me to interact with diverse audiences, tell compelling stories, and make a tangible impact in the agricultural sector.
I saw marketing as a dynamic field that offered endless opportunities to connect with people, understand their needs and aspirations, and market innovative solutions to connect with them. In particular, the poultry & livestock Industry presented a fascinating blend of science, technology, and human interaction, making it an ideal space for me to apply my skills and passions.

The prospect of leveraging strategic planning, creative messaging, and collaborative efforts to drive positive change in an industry that plays a crucial role in global food security was incredibly inspiring.
This transition allowed me to combine my analytical mindset with my love for storytelling and relationship building, enabling me to make meaningful contributions to the industry while pursuing a career that truly resonated with my interests and aspirations. The marketing doesn’t solve the problem – the product does. But marketing connects people to products.

Poultry Creations: What does your typical day look like in terms of managing your work responsibilities in marketing communication, particularly focusing on tasks like strategic planning, relationship building, collaboration, and data analysis?

Reena: A typical day for me is a blend of strategic planning, relationship building, collaboration, and data analysis – all with a focus on delivering the best possible outcomes for our marketing initiatives. I start my day by setting clear objectives and priorities, ensuring that every task aligns with our overarching goals. Throughout the day, I collaborate closely with my team and stakeholders to develop innovative strategies and campaigns that resonate with our audience. Whether it’s analyzing market data, fostering partnerships, or refining our messaging, I approach each task with a commitment to excellence and a dedication to delivering impactful results. Additionally, as part of the global team, I bring a broader perspective to the region, incorporating global trends, best practices, and insights into the marketing strategies for South Asia. This dual role requires me to strike a balance between localized strategies that resonate with the regional audience and overarching global objectives.

One notable example is when I took the lead in organizing an international trade show for NOVUS in 2023 (VIV Asia). It was a thrilling challenge that required me to dive headfirst into every aspect of event planning, from securing partnerships to designing compelling marketing campaigns. I remember feeling both excited and challenged by the task at hand, but my passion for creating impactful experiences drove me forward. This experience not only allowed me to showcase my abilities but also deepened my appreciation for the power of collaboration and creative problem-solving. It’s moments like these that remind me why I’m so passionate about what I do and inspire me to continually push the boundaries of what’s possible in our marketing endeavors.

Poultry Creations: What upcoming innovation in the poultry industry do you find most promising and how do you envision it shaping the future of poultry production and management?

Reena: Advanced technology represents a significant advancement in the poultry industry, offering a comprehensive approach to managing and optimizing various aspects of poultry production and management. Integrating sensors, data analytics, and automation, enables farmers to monitor and manage individual animals’ health, welfare, and productivity in real time. The adoption of advanced technologies holds immense promise for transforming poultry production and management in several key areas: enhanced animal welfare, improved efficiency, disease prevention, and management, data-driven decision-making, and sustainability.

In India, AI adoption in poultry production is gaining momentum, but at a slower pace compared to developed countries. Factors like limited awareness, resource constraints, and fragmented supply chains contribute to slower adoption. However, increasing government initiatives, technological advancements, and growing awareness among farmers suggest the potential for acceleration. Challenges such as data privacy concerns and initial investment costs persist, but the opportunities for enhanced efficiency, profitability, and competitiveness in the global market are substantial as AI technologies become more accessible and affordable.

Poultry Creations: Have you found any individuals or organizations within the industry particularly inspirational in your career journey?

Reena: Throughout my career journey, I’ve been fortunate to encounter numerous individuals and organizations within the poultry industry who have inspired me with their dedication, innovation, and passion for making a difference. From visionary leaders who have pioneered groundbreaking initiatives to grassroots organizations driving positive change at the local level, each has left a lasting impression on me. Their unwavering commitment to excellence and their tireless efforts to advance the industry have served as a constant source of inspiration and motivation, shaping my approach to leadership and advocacy within the sector.

One of the most impactful pieces of advice I received from a mentor was to embrace a “never give up” attitude and to always prefer action today over procrastination until tomorrow. This principle has profoundly shaped my professional ethos, guiding me through challenges and encouraging a proactive, resilient approach to both opportunities and obstacles. It has not only influenced my work ethic and decision-making but also my leadership style, inspiring me to instill the same values of determination and urgency in my team. Moreover, my journey has taught me the profound importance of fostering a team environment where success is shared and celebrated collectively. I’ve learned that the true mark of leadership is not just in achieving personal milestones but in the ability to uplift and lead your team to success, finding deep satisfaction in their growth and achievements. This holistic approach has helped in building a cohesive, motivated team, reinforcing the idea that our successes are far richer when they are the result of collaborative effort and mutual support. This advice has been a cornerstone of my journey, driving me to continuously innovate and strive for excellence in the dynamic poultry and livestock industry.

Poultry Creations: What is your next challenge or target and how do you plan to tackle it?

Reena: My next challenge is to further expand NOVUS’s market presence and brand recognition in South Asia, particularly in emerging poultry markets. To tackle this challenge, I plan to leverage innovative marketing strategies, deepen our relationships with key stakeholders, and tailor our offerings to meet the unique needs of the region. Additionally, I aim to stay updated on industry trends and consumer preferences, I use a combination of methods. I regularly analyze market research and consumer feedback with my team to spot emerging trends. Attending industry conferences and workshops helps me stay informed about innovative practices and challenges. This approach ensures that our marketing strategies remain relevant and effective in the ever-changing poultry and livestock market allows us to anticipate market shifts and adapt our strategies accordingly. By focusing on strategic growth initiatives and fostering collaborative partnerships, I am confident that we can achieve our targets and continue driving success in the region.

Poultry Creations: In your career, are there any decisions or paths you regret taking?

Reena: While every decision and path in my career journey has contributed to my growth and development, there are certainly moments where I faced challenges or setbacks like feeling overlooked or underestimated in meetings or decision-making processes due to being the only woman. Struggling to find a sense of belonging and togetherness in a predominantly male team environment. However, I choose to view these experiences as valuable learning opportunities rather than regrets. Each challenge has taught me resilience, adaptability, and the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity. Moreover, overcoming these obstacles has ultimately led me to where I am today, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and determination to succeed in my current role in a global marketing team.

Poultry Creations: How do you effectively maintain a balance between your professional responsibilities and personal life?

Reena: Maintaining a balance between my professional responsibilities and personal life is essential for my overall well-being and success. To achieve this balance, I prioritize effective time management, setting clear boundaries between work and personal time. I also make it a point to engage in activities that rejuvenate and nourish me, whether it’s spending time with loved ones. So, one thing I love is traveling the world. There’s just something so magical about exploring new places and experiencing different cultures.

It’s not just about seeing the sights; it’s about making memories with my family that we’ll cherish forever.
And speaking of family, spending time with my son and husband is so important to me. We love getting outdoors, playing sports together, or simply having quality time at home. It’s those little moments that matter. They’re what keep me grounded and remind me of what’s truly important in life.

And then there’s visiting my parents in our village. It’s like stepping back in time. The simplicity of life there, the connection to our roots – it’s just so refreshing. Whether we’re working on the farm, cooking together, or just sitting and chatting, being with my parents brings me so much joy and peace.

I should mention that having a strong support system is incredibly important to me, and I’m grateful for the unwavering support I receive from my husband, parents, and in-laws. They’re always there for me, cheering me on, offering words of encouragement, and helping whenever I need it. Their support empowers me to pursue my goals and dreams with confidence, knowing that I have a loving and supportive network behind me every step of the way. So yeah, that’s how I recharge and take care of myself. It’s all about finding that balance and making time for the things that truly matter to me.

Poultry Creations: In your current role and reflecting on your journey, what’s the one piece of advice you’d offer to other young women?

Reena: One piece of advice I would offer to other young women is to embrace your unique strengths and talents, and never underestimate the value of your voice and perspective. Remember, there is no one like you. In male-dominated industries like agriculture and marketing, it’s important to cultivate confidence in your abilities and advocate for yourself. Seek out mentors and allies who can support and empower you on your journey, and don’t be afraid to take risks and pursue opportunities that align with your passions and aspirations. Remember that your experiences, insights, and contributions are invaluable, and by owning your narrative, you have the power to shape your success.

Poultry Creations: What innovative marketing approaches would you suggest for promoting chicken and eggs in the poultry industry to attract consumers, drive sales, and ultimately increase profits for farmers and industrialists?

Reena: Innovative marketing approaches for promoting chicken and eggs in the poultry industry could include leveraging digital platforms and social media to engage with consumers, sharing compelling stories about the farm-to-table journey, and highlighting the nutritional benefits of poultry products. Additionally, experiential marketing initiatives such as farm tours, cooking demonstrations, and recipe contests can create memorable experiences for consumers and foster brand loyalty. Collaborating with influencers and partnering with local communities can also enhance brand visibility and credibility. Furthermore, emphasizing sustainability, animal welfare, and traceability in marketing communications can resonate with conscientious consumers and differentiate products in the market.

Poultry Creations: How can Poultry Creations magazine improve its content to offer more valuable insights and attract a larger audience within the poultry industry?

Reena: To offer more valuable insights and attract a larger audience within the poultry industry, Poultry Creations magazine could consider diversifying its content to cover a broader range of topics, including industry trends, technological innovations, best practices in poultry management, and profiles of industry leaders and innovators. Incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, infographics, and interactive features can enhance engagement and provide readers with more dynamic and immersive content experiences. Additionally, soliciting feedback from readers and industry experts can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that the magazine remains relevant, informative, and impactful in addressing the evolving needs and interests of its audience.


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