Innovations and Challenges in Poultry Health: A Conversation with Dr. Marc Cayol

Innovations and Challenges in Poultry Health: A Conversation with Dr. Marc Cayol

Poultry Creations Magazine is excited to present an exclusive interview with Dr. Marc Cayol, the Global Animal Health Director at Andreas Pintaluba S.A. (APSA). With a Ph.D. in Physiology and over 28 years in animal health, Dr. Cayol began his career at Pfizer Animal Health, which later became Zoetis, where he played a pivotal role in the development and introduction of vaccines for ruminants and swine across various regions.

Since joining APSA in 2016, he has led significant advancements in livestock nutrition and health. In this interview, Marc shares insights from his career, discusses APSA’s efforts to reduce antibiotic use, and highlights their collaboration with Nanovet Nutrition in India.

This exclusive interview features a compelling conversation with one of the leading experts in animal health.


Poultry Creations: Can you tell us about your journey in the animal health industry, from your beginnings at Pfizer Animal Health to your current role at Andrés Pintaluba SA?Dr. Marc: After completing my Ph.D. in Biochemistry/Physiology, I immediately began my career in the animal health industry at Pfizer Animal Health, which later became Zoetis. Over 20 years, I held various roles in commercial, technical, and marketing capacities. I started with the French organization, moved to the US for a year, and then returned to work at the international level. In 2016, I joined Andrés Pintaluba SA, a well-known European company based in Reus, Spain. Andrés Pintaluba SA (APSA) is part of the larger Pintaluba Group. We manufacture and distribute our products worldwide.

Poultry Creations : As the Global Animal Health Director at APSA, what are your main responsibilities and daily activities?
Dr. Marc: Each day brings new challenges. With the production and distribution of products in many countries, we face a variety of tasks daily. Being a company that manufactures its own products makes things easier. However, I am not alone in this; we work as a team. This includes the Manufacturing, Regulatory, and Export Departments, as well as our laboratory. Additionally, we have Area Managers from the Health Division, each managing a specific zone in the world. We also have one Area Manager based in India.

Poultry Creations: What are some of the strategic initiatives you have implemented at APSA to enhance animal health solutions?
Dr. Marc: There are two aspects to this question:
1. From a supply standpoint, with the increasing demand for our products, I have contributed to a strategic decision to increase our production capacity. This has resulted in LEK Veterina, a company based in Slovenia, joining the Pintaluba Group. This represents a significant step forward in increasing production capacity for liquid products, vitamin and mineral premixes, and gaining access to technology for manufacturing nutritional products such as water-soluble powders.

2. From a product standpoint, one of the key initiatives has been the introduction of the ApsaGut solution in many countries. ApsaGut is a range of products based on esterified fatty acids designed to optimize intestinal health.

Poultry Creations: What major trends do you see currently shaping the poultry health industry, particularly in regions like Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East?
Dr. Marc: There are many companies producing products and solutions for animal health and poultry farms, with production taking place in diverse territories. I am observing two trends that often conflict with each other. End users and farmers sometimes look for the cheapest options, but they are also sensitive to quality. Not all products available on the market can claim the same quality standards that we, as a European company, have to follow. The value we bring is that Andrés Pintaluba Group holds certifications such as GMP, ISO, FAMI-QS, etc. Therefore, while the price of our products may not be the cheapest, customers are realizing that we supply high-quality products that benefit their animals and the economic viability of their farms.

Poultry Creations: What are the biggest challenges facing poultry health today and how is APSA addressing these challenges?
Dr. Marc: The biggest challenge that the poultry industry is facing globally is the required reduction in the use of certain products like antibiotics, alongside the consumer demand for healthy food. Antibiotics will never be banned as they are essential for the survival of animals, but prudent use should guide every farm to ensure their availability in the long run. In India, APSA is commercializing feed supplements administered in drinking water and feed. We are also considering registering some treatment products. Additionally, we have developed solutions that can be used preventively to at least reduce, if not replace, the use of antibiotics. ApsaGut is a good example of how APSA is addressing these current challenges. It aims to manage intestinal health while reducing the use of antibiotics in prevention.

Poultry Creations: How you see development in Indian market? What are the initiative you are looking into.
Dr. Marc: I visit India regularly and see a strong demand for innovative and natural solutions. The market is evolving towards more sustainable and efficient practices. We are focusing on developing products that meet these needs, including natural health solutions and partnerships with local organizations to address specific challenges and enhance farm productivity.

Poultry Creations: Could you please elaborate more about collaboration with Nanovet Nutrition in India. What initiative both the companies are going to take to add value to Indian producers.
Dr. Marc: APSA and Nanovet Nutrition are joining forces in India to focus on the key segment of gut health. APSA will supply the products, while Nanovet leverages its extensive network of customers and professionals to promote the benefits of our solutions, such as ApsaGut. Without Nanovet, it would be challenging for us to effectively conduct technical promotion in a country like India. Through Nanovet’s field presence and customer connections, we are confident that our solutions will reach a wide range of producers, delivering significant benefits to their operations.

Poultry Creations: What advancements do you foresee in the next five to ten years in the field of poultry health?
Dr. Marc: In any R&D project, it is challenging to predict which specific projects will successfully translate into products. However, as mentioned before, the field of investigation is definitely moving towards natural and effective solutions.

Poultry Creations: What advice would you give to young professionals aspiring to enter the animal health industry?
Dr. Marc: I don’t have direct experience running a farm, but I view it as a vital market segment since we all play a role in feeding the world, and producers have an important role in this chain. Having spent 28 years working in the animal health industry, I can say that it is a field I know and enjoy. It offers the opportunity to interact with people from diverse countries, making it a rewarding career. Being part of this industry means contributing to the food chain and making a significant impact.

Poultry Creations: How do you view the current state of the poultry market in India, and what potential do you see for growth and improvement?
Dr. Marc: I cannot make a definitive judgment on the current state of the poultry market in India. However, as we observe in many markets, the trend is moving towards greater integration of poultry farms. This shift is likely to offer advantages for farmers but will also introduce more constraints, particularly in terms of performance and biosecurity, which they need to be prepared for.

Poultry Creations: What message or suggestions would you like to give to Poultry Creations Magazine to help us improve and better serve our readers in the poultry industry?
Dr. Marc: I discovered Poultry Creations Magazine during a week spent in Haryana and found it very interesting. The magazine offers valuable tips, shared experiences, and technical articles. It provides a good mix of information for readers. Congratulations to the PCM Team for producing such an informative publication.



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