Empowering the Future: Second Generation Poultry Entrepreneurs

Empowering the Future: Second Generation Poultry Entrepreneurs

In the March 2024 edition of Poultry Creations, we feature Mr. Gaurav Bhosale, CEO of Yojana Poultry Pvt Ltd, Pune.

Mr. Gaurav Bhosale, a third-generation leader, shares his journey and insights on empowering the next wave of poultry entrepreneurs. With a background in business administration and specialized training in poultry management, Mr. Gaurav has driven Yojana Poultry Pvt Ltd growth and success. His strategic vision and marketing acumen have elevated the brand’s presence across Maharashtra and Goa. Let’s delve into Gaurav’s strategies for navigating the dynamic poultry industry and his vision for the future of entrepreneurship in the sector.

My advice to aspiring young professionals is to embrace innovation while honoring tradition. Learn from the past, remain open to new ideas and prioritize building strong relationships for success.

Gaurav Bhosale

Poultry Creations: What inspired you to follow in your family’s footsteps and pursue a career in the poultry industry?

Gaurav: I was deeply inspired to follow in my family’s footsteps and pursue a career in the poultry industry due to the remarkable legacy established by my grandfather, Late Sh. Shankarrao Bhosale and furthered by my father Mr. Laxman Bhosale and uncle Mr. Vijendra Bhosale. Witnessing their dedication, hard work, and passion for the business ignited my own desire to contribute to our family’s rich heritage and continue the journey of success in the poultry industry. Their commitment to excellence, coupled with their unwavering belief in the potential of our business, served as a guiding light for me as I embarked on my own path within the industry.

Mr. Laxman Bhosale

Mr. Vijendra Bhosale

Poultry Creations: How has your education and training, both academically and through specialized courses, prepared you for your role as CEO of Yojana Poultry Pvt Ltd?

Gaurav: My background in business administration provided me with a solid foundation in management principles, which has been invaluable in my role as CEO. Additionally, specialized training in poultry management at Agrivet Research & Training school equipped me with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the intricacies of the industry and effectively lead the company towards growth and success.

Poultry Creations: Could you share some insights into the specific challenges you faced as a Third-generation poultry entrepreneur and how you overcame them?

Gaurav: As a Third-generation entrepreneur, one of the main challenges I faced was bridging the generation gap within the family business. Introducing modern techniques and innovations to convince the previous generation required patience and demonstration of the value through small-scale pilot projects. Overcoming these challenges involved building trust through tangible results and showcasing the benefits of embracing change.

Poultry Creations: Power Eggs has become a flagship product for Yojana Poultry Pvt Ltd. Can you elaborate on the process of developing and launching this product, as well as the strategies employed to expand its market presence?
Gaurav: The development and launch of Power Eggs involved a meticulous process aimed at meeting the evolving needs of our consumers while differentiating our product in the market. Here’s a more detailed explanation:

Identifying Market Needs: The process began with market research to identify gaps and opportunities in the egg market. We analysed consumer preferences, retailer concerns, and industry trends to understand the demands of our target audience.

Innovative Packaging: Recognizing the importance of convenience and hygiene, we innovated with the packaging of Power Eggs. We introduced the concept of packaging six eggs in pulp trays with a secure rubber band. This not only ensured the safety of the eggs during transportation but also addressed retailer concerns about handling eggs directly.

Quality Enhancement: Alongside packaging innovation, we focused on enhancing the quality of our eggs. We introduced special additions like selenium-enrichment to provide additional health benefits to consumers, making Power Eggs stand out as a premium product in the market.
Market Expansion Strategies: To expand the market presence of Power Eggs, we employed a multi-faceted approach. This included building our retail and general trade presence one store at a time, ensuring fresh daily supplies, and conducting ground-level promotions to showcase the quality difference. We also established a strong distribution network, collaborating with 30 distributors in local trade, spanning across key regions including Pune, Mumbai, Lonavala, Karjat, and Goa.

Marketing and Branding: Our marketing efforts were pivotal in establishing Power Eggs as a trusted and preferred brand among consumers. We utilized a blend of online and offline marketing strategies, collaborating with celebrities for TV commercials, partnering with social media influencers, and conducting local marketing campaigns. This holistic approach helped us reach a diverse audience and reinforce the brand’s image of quality and innovation.

Continuous Improvement: The process of developing and launching Power Eggs was not a one-time effort but a continuous journey of improvement.
We constantly monitored consumer feedback, market trends, and competitor activities to adapt and refine our strategies, ensuring that Power Eggs remained relevant and competitive in the market
Overall, the development and launch of Power Eggs exemplify our commitment to understanding consumer needs, innovating with packaging and product quality, and employing strategic marketing and distribution strategies to establish a strong market presence for our flagship product.

Poultry Creations: As a leader in the industry, how do you stay informed about emerging trends and technologies, and how do you incorporate them into your business strategies?

Gaurav: Staying informed about emerging trends and technologies is essential for staying ahead in the industry. We actively engage in industry conferences, trade publications, and networking events to stay updated. Additionally, we invest in research and development to explore innovative technologies and practices that can enhance our operations and product offerings.

Poultry Creations: With the poultry industry continually evolving, how do you envision the future of Yojana Poultry Pvt Ltd, and what steps are you taking to ensure the company remains competitive and relevant?

Gaurav: We envision Yojana Poultry Pvt Ltd continuing to expand its presence and diversify its offerings while maintaining a strong commitment to quality and innovation. To remain competitive and relevant, we are focusing on expanding our distribution network, investing in research and development, and exploring new market opportunities both domestically and internationally.

Poultry Creations: Egg processing is an area of potential growth for your company. What opportunities do you see in this sector, and how do you plan to capitalize on them while maintaining the company’s core values?

Gaurav: Egg processing presents a promising avenue for growth for our company, offering opportunities for product diversification, extended market reach, and innovation. By venturing into processing, we can develop a diverse range of value-added products like liquid eggs and egg powders, catering to varied consumer preferences. Additionally, processed egg products typically have a longer shelf life, enabling us to expand distribution channels beyond local markets to reach regional and national levels, tapping into new market segments such as foodservice and food manufacturing industries. To capitalize on these opportunities while upholding our core values, we plan to invest in advanced processing technology, maintain strict quality control measures, and prioritize sustainable practices throughout our operations.

While pursuing growth in egg processing, we remain committed to delivering products that meet the highest standards of quality, affordability, and customer satisfaction. Our strategy involves a careful balance between innovation and adherence to our core values. We will focus on sustainable sourcing practices, minimize waste generation, and educate consumers about the nutritional benefits of processed egg products. By staying true to our values and embracing innovation in egg processing, we aim to not only seize growth opportunities in the sector but also continue to build trust and loyalty among our customers.

Poultry Creations: How do you propose to boost the per capita consumption of eggs and chicken in our country? Could you outline the strategic steps you believe the industry should take to achieve this goal?

Gaurav: Boosting per capita consumption of eggs and chicken requires a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, there needs to be increased awareness about the nutritional benefits of eggs and chicken through targeted marketing campaigns and educational initiatives. Secondly, the industry should focus on improving accessibility and affordability of these products, especially in rural areas. Additionally, investing in infrastructure, warehouses and cold chain facilities can help ensure the availability of fresh products to consumers across the country.

Poultry Creations: Who have been the key individuals or teams supporting you throughout your successful journey?

Gaurav: Throughout my successful journey, one of the key individuals who has been instrumental in our marketing and sales strategies, as well as our expansion, is my childhood friend, Sohan Choudhary. Sohan and I embarked on this business journey together six years ago and his expertise, dedication and innovative thinking have played a pivotal role in shaping our company’s growth trajectory. From developing effective marketing campaigns to forging strategic partnerships, Sohan’s contributions have been invaluable. His unwavering support and collaborative spirit have been a driving force behind our achievements, making him an indispensable part of our team.

Also, the success of Yojana Poultry Pvt Ltd has been made possible by the dedication and hard work of our entire team, from employees on the farm to those in management positions. Additionally, the support of our distribution partners, suppliers, and loyal customers has played a crucial role in our journey.

Poultry Creations: Finally, as a Third-generation poultry entrepreneur, what advice would you give to aspiring young professionals looking to enter the industry and continue their family’s legacy?

Gaurav: My advice to aspiring young professionals would be to embrace innovation while respecting tradition. Learn from the experiences of previous generations but also be open to new ideas and technologies that can drive growth and competitiveness in the industry. Building strong relationships, both within the family and with stakeholders in the industry, is also key to success.

Poultry Creations: What key message would you like to convey to Poultry Creations Magazine to enhance its role in keeping both readers and the industry updated with valuable insights and information?

Gaurav: I would encourage Poultry Creations Magazine to continue providing comprehensive coverage of industry developments, trends, and best practices. Additionally, featuring success stories and interviews with industry leaders can inspire and educate readers, contributing to the overall growth and advancement of the poultry sector.


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