Biosecurity – Vprint Infotech Magazine Thu, 11 Jul 2024 08:14:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Biosecurity – Vprint Infotech 32 32 Don’t Take It Easy Stress Thu, 11 Jul 2024 08:13:56 +0000

NSM- Bioncia International Pvt Ltd

Stress comes in many forms and seems to affect the performance of birds. The term “stress” is used to describe the detrimental effect of variety of factors on the health and performance of poultry (Rosales, 1994) Or “Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand”, whereas stressor can be defined as “an agent that produces stress at any time”. Therefore, stress represents the reaction of the animal organism (i.e., a biological response) to stimuli that disturb its normal physiological equilibrium or homeostasis (Selye, 1976). The commercial high yielding breeds are more susceptible to stress and diseases. Stress represents the reaction of the animal organism (i.e., a biological response) to stimuli that disturb its normal physiological equilibrium or homeostasis. The importance of animal responses to environmental challenges applies to all species. However, poultry seems to be particularly sensitive to temperature-associated environmental challenges, especially heat stress. Understanding and controlling environmental conditions is crucial to successful poultry production and welfare. Heat Stress not only causes suffering and death in the birds, but also results in reduced or lost production that adversely affects the profit from the enterprise.

Heat stress or any type of Stress have side effect on Vital organs heart, brain, kidneys, liver, and lungs.
Heat Stress adverse effects on liver
The liver is pivotal organ of metabolic activity, which performs essential cellular functions containing the balance of energy metabolism, biosynthesis of vitamins and minerals, and ammonia detoxification (Schliess et al., 2014). Elevated blood flow transfers from the hepato-splanchnic region to respiratory muscles and superficial body tissues to accelerate heat dissipation and decrease body temperature under heat stress, therefore, liver is more sensitive to heat stress (Hai et al., 2006; Crandall et al., 2008). It has been reported that heat stress caused liver fat accumulation and inflammation, and impaired liver function in broiler.

Heat stress adverse effects on respiratory system
Heat stress can cause damage to the lung tissue of broiler chickens by disrupting the integrity of the blood-air barrier and increasing permeability diseases can cause different degrees of lung damage Mammals mainly rely on sweat glands to dissipate heat and maintain body temperature balance (Yahav, 2015), but poultry lack sweat glands, so they primarily dissipate heat through respiration when the temperature is too high (Bell et al., 2001). High-frequency breathing leads to increased susceptibility of lung tissue damage in a heat stress environment. Damage to the blood-air barrier can lead to increased lung permeability, impaired oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange function, and induce respiratory difficulties (Wang et al., 2020), further leading to various lung diseases such as tuberculosis and pulmonary inflammation (Research has shown that heat stress causes lung injury and results in the upregulation of various proinflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor.

High ambient temperature has emerged as a major constraint for the future development of the poultry industry, especially in the tropics and subtropics. The scarcity of resources coupled with harsh environmental conditions is the most crucial predicaments in the way to rationalize optimum production of broiler. Heat stress disturbs the physiological biochemistry of the broiler which ultimately reduces feed intake and feed efficiency which ultimately results in reduced performance and productivity. Under hot environmental conditions, feed utilization is disturbed by the deposition of fat and oxidative stress. In addition, changes in blood cells, acid-base balance, immune response, liver health, and antioxidant status are some of the major dynamics altered by heat stress.

Alleviating the Adverse Effects of Heat Stress is mandatory to achieve Production & performance poultry Business.

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Water Hygiene Challenges and Management in Commercial Poultry Farming during Summer Season Thu, 09 May 2024 10:18:30 +0000 Water Hygiene Challenges and Management in Commercial Poultry Farming during Summer Season

Dr Davendar Singh Kalwani, Technical Sales Manager, Intracare SEA Pvt Ltd

Summer season brings with it extreme challenges for the poultry industry. Among all the prevailing issues, water hygiene remains the top priority, as far as poultry production is concerned. Quality of water will in general, have a direct bearing on poultry’s health and production. Good quality water is important for poultry’s growth, reproductive performance, and general well-being. The prevailing high temperatures coupled with an increased microbial activity during the summers obviously make it tough to maintain the desirable standards of water hygiene. This article attempts to understand the risks involved and the strategies to manage the water hygiene in this summer in a better way. The article also tries to identify the factors contributing to waterborne microbial contamination and understand the impacts of water contamination on poultry health and welfare. Awareness of the peculiar dynamics of summer management, in terms of water hygiene, can help farmers in preventing some of the losses that are usually suffered by them during the summer and throughout the year.

Impact of summer season on water quality:
During summer, various environmental factors can affect the quality of water. The rise in temperature of water is the most important factor. As the water temperature increases, it creates optimal conditions for microbial growth. Mesophilic bacteria including major pathogens proliferate rapidly in such conditions, hence increasing the risk of water contamination in poultry production. These microbes might lead to severe illnesses and reduced performance in terms of growth and reproduction.

Moreover, the elevated water temperature accelerates the decomposition of organic matter which serves as a nutrient source for various microorganisms. Due to this rapid decomposition in warmer temperatures, the level of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus in water increases along with release of dissolved solids which further alters the water composition negatively.

Additionally, this can fuel the algal bloom in underground water reservoirs. Some species of algae produce toxins that are harmful to both animals and humans if ingested. Also, as algae die and decomposes it hastens the degradation of water quality.

In addition to microbial contamination and algal blooms, summer conditions can also aggravate other water quality issues in poultry operations. Reduced rainfall and drought conditions in certain regions can result in lower water levels in reservoirs and water bodies. Lower water levels concentrate pollutants, such as nutrients, chemicals, and sediment, leading to higher concentrations in the remaining water. This can further degrade water quality and increase the risk of contamination for poultry.

Biofilm as a hidden threat:
Formation of biofilm during summer is another crucial aspect involved in degrading water quality particularly in water pipelines. Biofilms is a slimy layer consisting of complex communities of microbes that attach to surfaces of water pipes, tanks, and drinkers. Warm climate can enhance the growth and proliferation of various bacteria, easing the formation of such biofilms. These biofilms pose several challenges to the quality of water and poultry health. It provides protection for microbes inside it by shielding them from disinfectants and making them more resistant to removal, this allows pathogens to persist in the water systems for long durations making itself a source of infection.

Biofilms can also cause deterioration of water infrastructure; its accumulation might lead to corrosion of pipes and fittings which can compromise the integrity of water distribution system. Additionally, it can cause blockages and reduce the flow of water and thus affecting water flow to drinkers which can lead to dehydration in birds.

Furthermore, biofilms act as a reservoir for pathogens, releasing them into the water intermittently and perpetuating the cycle of contamination. This can pose a continuous threat to poultry health, increasing the likelihood of disease outbreaks and impacting the overall productivity of the operation.

Effects of poor water quality on poultry production:
1. Biofilm inside water pipeline may reduce intake, causing dehydration and poor growth.
2. Biofilms can release pathogens, affecting bird health and productivity.
3. Contaminants may lead to digestive issues, diarrhoea, and poor growth.
4. Poor quality of water can affect egg quality resulting in thin shelled eggs and reduced hatchability in fertile eggs.
5. Stress from poor water quality drops reproductive performance in poultry flocks.
6. Mortality rates can increase due to stress, dehydration, and disease susceptibility.
7. Water contaminants compromise vaccine efficacy, leaving birds vulnerable to infections.
8. It might worsen the effect of concurrent viral or any other diseases.
9. Clogged delivery systems can hamper vaccine administration, risking inadequate immunity in poultry.
10. It can increase the chances of vertical transmission of bacterial diseases in progeny.

Management Strategies for Summer Water Hygiene:
Following strategies may be followed to ensure quality drinking water to poultry birds:
1. Regularly clean the water sources, pipes, and drinkers to prevent biofilm and pathogen buildup.
2. Test the water quality regularly for pH, TDS, and microbial contamination.
3. Use of good quality water disinfectant and sanitizers and follow manufacturer guidelines.
4. Control water temperature to prevent microbial growth.
5. Minimize water wastage by fixing leaks and optimizing delivery systems.
6. Educate farm staff on water hygiene.
7. Maintain records of cleaning schedules and water quality tests.

Ensuring water quality at poultry farms:
Along with all the management strategies, the most crucial step is pipeline cleaning and water sanitation. There are many chemical agents available for the same purpose. Choosing the best water sanitizer and cleaning agent should be based on several characteristics.
When it comes to pipeline cleaning methods, the following characteristics are desirable:
1. Efficiency: The cleaning method should effectively remove biofilms, mineral deposits, sediment, and other contaminants from water pipelines to maintain optimal water quality and flow rates.
2. Non-Corrosive: Cleaning agents or procedures should not corrode or damage pipeline materials, ensuring the longevity and integrity of the water distribution system.
3. Accessibility: Pipeline cleaning methods should be accessible and practical for poultry producers, whether through manual cleaning procedures or automated cleaning systems.
4. Frequency: The cleaning frequency should be appropriate to prevent biofilm formation and ensure consistent water quality for poultry health and performance.
5. Validation: Cleaning procedures should be validated to confirm their effectiveness in removing contaminants and maintaining water sanitation standards.

When considering water sanitizers for poultry operations, several characteristics are essential to ensure effective and safe water management:
1. Broad-Spectrum Activity: An ideal water sanitizer should have broad-spectrum activity against a wide range of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other pathogens commonly found in poultry drinking water. This ensures comprehensive protection against disease-causing organisms.
2. Non-Toxic and Safe: The sanitizer should be non-toxic to poultry and humans when used at recommended concentrations. It should not leave harmful residues that could affect bird health or compromise food safety.
3. Residue-Free: After application, the sanitizer should degrade into non-toxic by-products or dissipate without leaving any harmful residues in the water or water distribution system.
4. Stability: The sanitizer should remain stable under varying environmental conditions, including temperature fluctuations and water pH levels, to maintain its effectiveness over time.
5. Compatibility: It should be compatible with commonly used materials in poultry water systems, such as PVC, polyethylene, and stainless steel, to prevent corrosion or damage to pipelines and water equipment.
6. Ease of Application: The sanitizer should be easy to apply and should not require complex equipment or procedures for effective use. This ensures practicality and efficiency in poultry farm operations.
7. Regulatory Compliance: The sanitizer should comply with regulatory standards and guidelines set forth by relevant authorities, ensuring its safety and efficacy for use in poultry production.
8. Environmental Impact: Consideration should be given to the environmental impact of the sanitizer, including its biodegradability and potential effects on water quality in surrounding ecosystems.

Based on these characteristics, selecting a suitable option is very perplexing. In general, quaternary ammonium salts (commonly called quats) and hydrogen peroxide fulfil almost all the requirements but they have some drawbacks as well. Hydrogen peroxide is an unstable compound and loses its efficacy in very short period making it difficult to get uniform results across pipeline. Quats are effective for water sanitation, but they have limited action on biofilms particularly mature ones. However, 50% stabilized hydrogen peroxide is an excellent choice as it easily overcomes the above problems. Its broad-spectrum effectiveness, safety, non-corrosive properties, long shelf-life, and environmental compatibility make it an indispensable tool in safeguarding the health and profitability of poultry flocks, particularly in the challenging conditions of the summer season.

In conclusion, managing water hygiene effectively is among top priority for commercial poultry farmers, especially during the challenging conditions of summer. Summer’s heat and increased microbial activity threaten water quality. Regular cleaning, disinfection, temperature control, and water testing can help combat these threats successfully. Minimizing water wastage waste, staff training, and record-keeping further strengthen water hygiene plans. By proactively managing water, poultry farmers ensure the long-term health and profitability of their flocks.

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Betaine: Optimizing Poultry Health in Heat Stress Condition Wed, 10 Apr 2024 06:21:02 +0000 Betaine: Optimizing Poultry Health in Heat Stress Condition

1. What is betaine?
It was first discovered in the juice of sugar beets. Naturally accumulated in plants as osmolyte to protect against salt and temperature stress. Derivative of glycine (amino acid). Neutral molecule with bipolar structure (zwitterion) as shown in Fig. 1 contains three methyl groups.

Fig.1: Chemical Structure of Betaine

2. Betaine functions as (mode of action):
A. Methyl donor – methyl groups used for protein synthesis and other metabolic processes. Methyl groups play a pivotal role in several cellular processes, including DNA methylation, synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, and protein synthesis. Choline and betaine are both capable of donating methyl groups. However, for choline to do so, it must first be converted into betaine as shown in Fig. 2. In poultry, the capacity to synthesize betaine from choline is limited, thus making dietary supplementation the primary source.

Fig. 2: Role of betaine in the methionine cycle in liver

Betaine can substitute for choline in performing the following functions:
1) Regulating fat metabolism in the liver to prevent abnormal fat accumulation in hepatocytes.
2) Serving as a methyl donor for the formation of methionine and creatine, through its involvement in the transmethylation pathway.
Betaine cannot replace choline in the function of maintaining cell membrane and structure as an emulsifier to transport lipids, since choline is a constituent of phospholipids. Similarly, betaine cannot replace choline as a precursor of acetylcholine in the transmission of nerve impulses.

B. Osmo-regulator: – ability to bind and retain water in a reversible manner.
Osmolytes are compounds that aid in the regulation of osmotic pressure within cells and tissues, playing a crucial role in preserving cellular integrity.
Dehydration, disease, heat stress, and other factors can cause alterations in the water content of cells. Osmolytes can be either inorganic ions such as Na+, K+, Cl-, or organic compounds such as amino acids, certain sugars, and betaine. Betaine plays a crucial role in stabilizing cellular metabolic function during periods of stress, preserving the cell’s capacity to uptake nutrients, unlike osmolytes such as Na+, K+, and Cl-. Moreover, it offers protection to intracellular enzymes against osmotic inactivation.

3. Heat stress
Heat stress is a major challenge in poultry production, especially during the hot summer months. It occurs when birds face difficulty in achieving a balance between body heat produced and heat loss. This imbalance can lead to several health issues and production losses.

4. The Role of Betaine in Enhancing Poultry Health During Heat Stress.
a) Betaine aids in preserving intestinal integrity by facilitating water retention, increasing cell volume, promoting anabolic activity, and maintaining cellular integrity as shown in fig. 4. which are Representative photomicrographs of the ileum after 10 days of the experiment from broilers fed a control diet (CON, A and C) and betaine (BET, B and D) on villous height under thermoneutral (TN, A and B) or after 10 days being exposed to heat stress (HS, C and D).

Fig. 3 – Intestinal barrier damage in HS (Soheil Varasteh, et al. Nutrients, 2020)

Fig. 4 – Impact of betaine on intestinal integrity of broiler birds in Heat stress conditions (Shakeri et al, Animals 2020)

b) Betaine has three methyl groups in its structure and donates them in various metabolic reactions, which can spare compounds like methionine, choline, and folic acid. Therefore, supplementing with betaine may reduce the need for these nutrients.

c) The growth rate of poultry birds is enhanced by betaine, which conserves energy that would otherwise be expended on the Na+/K+ pump and Calcium pump in high temperatures. This conserved energy can then be directed towards growth.

d) Betaine enhances the concentration of beneficial short-chain fatty acids, such as acetic and propionic acid, which are vital to host bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in poultry. This improvement enables these bacteria to effectively inhabit the caecum and inhibit the colonization of harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract.

e) Betaine supplementation in laying hens leads to an increase in daily egg mass production, reduces thin eggshell issues which are related to heat stress, and helps to enhance serum concentrations of estradiol and melatonin.

f) Trouw Nutrition’s Betaine is proven to elevate production performance even under heat stress conditions, notably increasing breast meat percentage through the provision of essential methyl groups, as depicted in Fig. 5. Recognizing that high-performing animals demand superior nutrition for sustained health and optimal growth, Selko Feed Additives introduces TNIbetain. This meticulously tested supplement supports animal performance across multiple metabolic pathways. TNIbetain adheres strictly to the stringent quality standards upheld by Trouw Nutrition Feed Additives.

Fig. 5: Effect of Trouw Nutrition betaine on broiler performance
Contrasting the Attributes of Trouw Nutrition’s Natural Betaine with Synthetic Betaine

Recommended Dosage:
For broiler, layer, and breeder birds: 0.5 to 1 kg per ton of feed. However, in challenging conditions such as heat stress, the Betaine dosage can be increased to up to 2 kg per ton of feed.
g) Betaine has been found to significantly enhance hematological parameters, including RBC and platelet count, while reducing the number of heterophils and increasing the number of lymphocytes. The reduction in lymphocyte count during heat stress is attributed to the rise in inflammatory cytokines, which stimulate hypothalamic production of corticotrophin releasing hormones.
h) Betaine aids in the expansion of intestinal mucosa, thereby enhancing the absorption and utilization of nutrients, which results in improved digestibility of crude protein, crude fiber, ether extract.
i) Studies have demonstrated that betaine interacts with lipid metabolism by promoting the oxidative catabolism of fatty acids through its involvement in carnitine synthesis. Therefore, betaine can be utilized to increase the proportion of lean meat and reduce fat in poultry carcasses.
j) Betaine acts as an osmoregulatory in the intestine, optimizing water and salt balance within cells for efficient nutrient absorption and reducing litter moisture. It increases villus height, protecting enterocytes during challenges like coccidiosis, and strengthens the gut, reducing damage during infections as shown in Fig. A, B and C.
The various effects described above are either directly or indirectly linked to betaine’s osmoregulatory function and its role in methionine biosynthesis.
Betaine emerges as a pivotal component in poultry health management, particularly in the face of heat stress challenges. Originating from sugar beets, its molecular structure rich in methyl groups facilitates its dual function as a methyl donor and osmoregulator, essential for maintaining cellular integrity and supporting metabolic processes. Amidst heat stress conditions, Betaine supplementation showcases remarkable efficacy, preserving intestinal integrity, conserving energy expenditure, and enhancing production performance. Its multifaceted benefits extend to improvements in hematological parameters, nutrient absorption, and lipid metabolism. With its proven effectiveness and adherence to stringent quality standards, Betaine stands as a crucial asset in optimizing poultry health and performance under challenging environmental conditions, exemplifying the potential of innovative nutritional strategies in safeguarding livestock welfare and productivity.

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